Human-Deer Conflicts

The countryside of Sussex, Surrey, and Hampshire showcases a blend of human habitation and natural wilderness, often leading to interactions between residents and the local deer populations. While deer are a cherished part of our natural heritage, their proximity to human dwellings and agricultural lands can sometimes lead to conflicts.

Wildscape Deer Management is dedicated to mediating such human-deer conflicts, employing a blend of expertise and ethical practices to ensure a harmonious coexistence.

Unveiling the Spectrum of Human-Deer Conflicts

Agricultural Damage:
Deer can cause significant damage to crops, leading to financial losses for farmers. Their grazing habits can also impact pasture lands, affecting livestock.
Vehicle Collisions:
Deer crossing roads, especially during dusk and dawn, can result in dangerous collisions causing damage and injury.
Landscape and Garden Damage:
Deer are known to feed on ornamental plants, flowers, and shrubs, which can be frustrating for homeowners and land managers.
Transmission of Diseases:
Deer can be carriers of diseases such as Lyme disease, which can be transmitted to humans through tick bites.
Impact on Native Vegetation and Wildlife:
Overpopulated deer herds can overgraze native vegetation, impacting the habitat of other wildlife and overall biodiversity.

Our Approach to Conflict Resolution

Wildscape Deer Management adopts a comprehensive approach to address human-deer conflicts, tailored to the unique challenges faced by each community or individual landowner.

Our services include:

  • Detailed population assessments to determine the extent of human-deer conflicts.
  • Crafting and implementing deer management plans that address the root causes of conflicts.
  • Providing educational resources to communities on deer behaviour, risks, and management strategies.

Engage with Us

Wildscape Deer Management is dedicated to providing specialized deer management and population control services. Our seasoned professionals are adept at offering tailored consultancy and business solutions to landowners and rural businesses. By engaging with us, you access a wealth of expertise aimed at navigating the complex dynamics of deer population management within your land, while ensuring sustainability and harmonious interaction with natural deer populations.

Our services are designed to support, ensuring your farming or land management operations thrive amidst the UK's vibrant ecosystems. For a deeper insight into our deer management and population control service, click here or contact us at to explore how we can assist in addressing your deer management concerns.