Deer Ride Restoration & Management

At Wildscape Deer Management, we understand the significance of well-designed and maintained deer rides in effective deer management and overall woodland health. Whether these rides form part of an existing estate woodland plan or are being generated anew for better deer management, our adept team, partnered with skilled surgeons, is ready to consult and implement a plan tailored to your needs.

What Are Deer Rides?

Deer rides are clearings or pathways created within woodlands to manage deer movement, improve habitat diversity, and facilitate better deer monitoring and control. These rides not only serve as conduits for deer movement but also provide excellent lines of sight for observation and managed culling activities. Moreover, they enhance the woodland's ecological richness by creating edge habitats, promoting the growth of various plant species, and providing forage and shelter for deer and other wildlife.

You can download a copy of Government Guide on "Managing Woodland Open Space for Wildlife" by clicking here.

Our Services


Understanding your woodland's unique character and deer management goals is the starting point of our service. Our seasoned experts, alongside partnered surgeons, delve into a comprehensive consultation to grasp your objectives, assess the woodland's current state, and ascertain the best strategies for deer ride creation or restoration.

Deer Ride Design:

Following the consultation, we design deer rides that align with your deer management objectives and promote ecological balance. Our designs consider the woodland's topography, existing vegetation, and deer population dynamics to ensure the rides serve their intended purposes effectively.


Our partnered surgeons are proficient in executing the deer ride designs while adhering to the highest standards of safety and ecological sustainability. With meticulous attention to detail, they carry out the necessary clearing, planting, and other tasks required to bring the deer rides to fruition.

Continuous Monitoring and Management:

Post-implementation, we offer continuous monitoring and management services to ensure the deer rides remain effective in facilitating deer management and promoting woodland health. We are committed to ensuring that the rides continue to serve you and the deer population optimally over time.

Why Choose Us?

Choosing Wildscape Deer Management for your deer ride restoration and management needs ensures a harmonious blend of deer management expertise, ecological consciousness, and a tailored approach. Our aim is to provide you with deer rides that not only aid in effective deer management but also contribute to the vibrant ecology of your woodland.

Ready to enhance your estate's deer management strategy through professionally designed and managed deer rides? Reach out to us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards a well-managed deer population and a thriving woodland ecosystem.

Safe And Cost-Effective Deer Management Solutions

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+44 1903 412444