Deer Management for Aerodromes: CAA CAP 772 Compliance

The Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) CAP 772 guidelines accentuate the imperativeness of managing wildlife hazards, compelling aerodromes to adhere to the stringent national licensing mandates. At Wildscape Deer Management, we pioneer in delivering tailored deer management solutions, aligning aerodromes with the paramount requisites stipulated in CAP 772, thereby fostering a safe and harmonious coexistence between aviation operations and the natural ecosystem.

For more in-depth understanding, the full CAP 772 guidelines document can be accessed here.

CAA CAP 772 Guidelines Explained:

The revered CAP 772 guidelines bestowed by the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) are instrumental in assuaging wildlife hazards, fortifying the safety, and ensuring operational continuity of aerodromes. These guidelines serve as a quintessential compass for aerodromes striving to manifest compliance, specifically concerning wildlife hazard management within a radius of 13 km from the aerodrome reference point. The guidelines elucidate the measures requisite for managing and mitigating the risks associated with wildlife, with a particular emphasis on aerodrome surroundings and the implications of landfill and waste disposal sites.

Mammal Hazards Overview:

The spectre of mammal strikes, albeit lower in likelihood, is a reality that necessitates astute attention. Chronicles of incidents involving deer, red fox, and other mammals have been documented in the UK, some culminating in substantial aircraft damage. Deer, particularly, are nocturnal interlopers, presenting a heightened risk during the shrouded hours of darkness. The advisories within CAP 772 encompass meticulous scrutiny to identify and seal off deer entry routes onto the airfield, coupled with the unequivocal engagement of deer management experts for proficient control and mitigation measures.

Our Deer Management Solutions:

At Wildscape Deer Management, our tailored solutions encapsulate:

Comprehensive Site Assessment: A meticulous analysis delving into the deer population dynamics, their movement patterns, and behavioural tendencies around the aerodrome, thereby establishing an informed baseline for strategic interventions.

Customised Culling Plans: Crafting and executing precise culling plans to adeptly manage deer populations, ensuring minimal disruption to aerodrome operations while conforming to ethical and regulatory standards.

Habitat Modification Recommendations: Counselling on habitat alterations to dissuade deer and other wildlife from encroaching aerodrome vicinities, including vegetation management and barrier installations.

Perpetual Monitoring and Adaptive Management: Engaging in regular surveillance, monitoring, and adaptive management strategies to ascertain long-term efficacy, respond to emerging challenges and ensure the sustained safety and operational viability of the aerodrome.

    Compliance Assurance:

    We value the essence of community engagement and strive to cultivate understanding and backing for deer management endeavours. Our outreach initiatives are designed to elucidate the necessity and benefits of deer management to all stakeholders involved. Additionally, we pledge stringent adherence to the CAA CAP 772 guidelines and other pertinent regulatory frameworks, thereby assuring compliance and fostering a culture of safety and environmental stewardship. 

    Safe And Cost-Effective Deer Management Solutions

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