Understanding Section 7 of the Deer Act: Safeguarding Crops from Deer Damage

We are dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions to the challenges posed by deer to agriculture. Under the UK’s Deer Act, Section 7 provides specific provisions that allow for the culling of deer to prevent agricultural damage. This legal framework is crucial for landowners and farmers experiencing significant losses due to deer activity.

Section 7 Explained: A Legal Framework for Crop Protection

"he had reasonable grounds for believing that deer of the same species were causing, or had caused, damage to crops, vegetables, fruit, growing timber or any other form of property on the land"

Legislative Background: Section 7 of the Deer Act permits the taking or killing of deer in certain circumstances without the need for a specific licence. This is particularly relevant in situations where deer are causing damage to crops, vegetables, fruit, growing timber, or any other form of property on land. The provision is designed to offer immediate relief to landowners facing urgent threats to their livelihoods from deer populations.

Application in Practice: For landowners, invoking Section 7 requires an understanding of the specific conditions under which deer can be controlled. It is crucial that any action taken under this section is both necessary and proportionate to the damage being caused. Wildscape Deer Management assists landowners in documenting and evidencing the damage, which is essential for justifying the use of lethal control measures under this legal provision.

Operational Considerations: Assessing and Implementing Deer Control

Assessment of Damage: The first step in utilising Section 7 is a thorough assessment of the extent of damage caused by deer. Our team conducts detailed evaluations, utilising both direct observation and technological aids like drone surveys, to determine the impact on crops and quantify the losses. This assessment helps in planning appropriate management actions that comply with legal requirements.

Implementing Control Measures: Based on the assessment, we devise and implement a deer management plan tailored to the specific needs of the property. This may involve selective culling to reduce deer numbers to a level where crop damage is minimised. Our approach ensures that all actions are carried out humanely and ethically, in accordance with best practice guidelines and statutory regulations.

Long-Term Strategies and Compliance

Preventative Measures: Beyond immediate culling under Section 7, we explore long-term solutions such as the installation of deer-proof fencing, strategic planting of non-palatable vegetation, and habitat modification to deter deer from entering crop areas. These preventative measures aim to reduce the likelihood of future damage and dependence on lethal control.

Legal and Ethical Compliance: Navigating the legal complexities surrounding deer management requires expertise. Wildscape Deer Management ensures that all interventions under Section 7 adhere to legal standards and ethical considerations, providing peace of mind to landowners. We handle all documentation and compliance requirements, making the process as seamless as possible for our clients.

Engage with Expertise

Choosing Wildscape Deer Management means partnering with experts who understand the intricacies of deer behaviour, legal frameworks, and effective management strategies. We are here to help you protect your crops and investments from deer damage efficiently and legally.

For detailed information on how we can assist with deer-related challenges on your property, or to discuss your specific needs under Section 7 of the Deer Act, please contact us today. Our team is ready to provide the expertise and support you need to manage deer populations responsibly and sustainably.

Safe And Cost-Effective Deer Management Solutions

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