Case Studies & Success Stories

Confidentiality Assurance

At Wildscape Deer Management, we are deeply committed to maintaining the confidentiality and privacy of our clients. It is a cornerstone of our professional ethics and a vital aspect of our service delivery. Due to the confidentiality agreements we have in place with several of our clients, we have opted to omit or alter certain names and specific details in our case studies and success stories. This approach ensures we uphold the trust and confidentiality bestowed upon us while still sharing the essence of our work and the positive impacts we have achieved.

We assure our prospective clients and stakeholders that the same level of confidentiality will be extended to them, safeguarding their privacy and ensuring a professional and trustworthy engagement.

Long-term Deer Management at an Estate Just Outside Arundel:

At an estate located just outside Arundel, the expertise of Wildscape Deer Management was brought on board to implement a 10-year deer management plan. The goal was to alleviate the adverse effects of deer overpopulation, especially during winter when the vegetation is more susceptible to damage. Continuous monitoring of vegetation damage, focusing on woody shrubs, was carried out to evaluate the plan's effectiveness. A scoring system was utilized to measure the extent of damage, leading to a notable reduction over the years. This case demonstrates the importance of long-term commitment and continuous monitoring in deer management. The results entailed reduced pressure on ground flora, improved tree establishment, and the avoidance of deer fencing.

Large Deer Drive, Near Gatwick East Sussex:

Wildscape Deer Management played a pivotal role in assisting with a large deer drive in East Sussex, where a substantial population of fallow deer was present. Through meticulous planning and execution, the drives were conducted proficiently, aiding in the effective management of deer populations. This initiative not only helped in mitigating the ecological impact of overpopulated deer but also demonstrated our capability in handling large-scale deer management operations.

Night Shooting of Red Hinds in the Highlands:

Under a special night license, Wildscape Deer Management was involved in night shooting operations aimed at managing red hinds population in the Highlands. This operation was carried out with utmost precision and adherence to safety protocols, ensuring effective population control while minimizing any undue stress on the deer population. This case showcases our expertise in specialized deer management techniques under challenging conditions.

Sussex Police Mentoring for Deer Calibre Applications:

In collaboration with Sussex Police, Wildscape Deer Management provided mentoring services for deer calibre applications. Our seasoned professionals shared their extensive knowledge and practical insights, aiding in the thorough evaluation of applications. This initiative reflects our commitment to fostering a culture of responsible and well-informed deer management within the community, by ensuring that appropriate calibres are utilized in deer management operations.

Vermin and Deer Management at Sussex Golf Courses:

Wildscape Deer Management was enlisted to tackle vermin control and deer management across two distinct golf courses in Sussex. The challenge was twofold: to maintain a healthy deer population and to curb the vermin activity that was affecting the golf courses' operations and landscape. The operations were carried out seamlessly, demonstrating Wildscape Deer Management's adeptness in executing multifaceted wildlife management projects. The outcomes were substantial: a balanced deer population, significant reduction in vermin activity, and an enhanced golfing experience for the patrons.

Sika Deer Culling at a Prestigious Estate in Hampshire:

One of the more unique and memorable projects undertaken by Wildscape Deer Management involved a specific culling operation targeting Sika deer at a prestigious estate in Hampshire. Despite the complexity and the meticulous effort required, the project was executed proficiently, leaving a lasting impression on both our team and the estate’s stakeholders. It was not only a successful deer management operation but also a remarkable experience that showcased our adaptability and commitment to delivering tailored deer management solutions, regardless of the unique challenges presented.

Revitalizing Sussex Farmland:

A farmland in Sussex was experiencing escalating crop losses due to unchecked deer population. Wildscape Deer Management was engaged to formulate and implement a comprehensive deer management plan. As a result, the deer population was well-managed, leading to a significant reduction in crop losses and an enhancement in local biodiversity, proving a boon for the local farming community.

Habitat Restoration Endeavour in Hampshire:

A large estate in Hampshire was nearing ecological imbalance due to overpopulation of deer. Collaborating with ecologists, Wildscape Deer Management devised a habitat restoration plan. The estate witnessed a revival of its native flora and fauna over time, signifying the balanced and holistic approach of Wildscape Deer Management towards resolving deer overpopulation issues.

Comprehensive Roe Management in Sussex Coastal Farmland:

A coastal farmland in Sussex was grappling with increasing deer intrusion and subsequent crop damage. Wildscape Deer Management was enlisted to devise and execute a bespoke deer management plan. The farmland saw a significant reduction in deer-induced crop damage and an improvement in local biodiversity, reflecting the effectiveness and competency of Wildscape Deer Management.

Roe Deer Population Control in Sussex Woodlands:

A vast woodland area in Sussex was afflicted by deer overpopulation, leading to severe understorey depletion. Wildscape Deer Management intervened with a well-curated management plan, entailing population surveys, habitat assessments, and ethical culling. This initiative led to the restoration of understorey vegetation and a balanced deer population, demonstrating the capability of Wildscape Deer Management in tackling such ecological challenges.

Within our capacity we have also assisted in a number of other deer related activities including the training of DSC1 Students, Sussex Police/Sussex County Council Deer Initiative and the assistance in a large scale deer park deer cull (foot and mouth).