Deer Management Approach

At Wildscape Deer Management, we navigate the delicate balance between deer populations, their habitats, and human communities. Our philosophy is rooted in ethical considerations, and adherence to established UK guidelines on deer management.

Each aspect of our approach is tailored to the unique characteristics of each landscape and the aspirations of landowners, reflecting a blend of science, ethics, and sustainable stewardship.

    Adherence to UK Guidelines

    • Deer Management Plan (DMP) Crafting: Assist in creating tailored Deer Management Plans for estates, farms, or woodland areas in line with the UK government's DMP template​​.
    • Best Practice Adoption: Embrace comprehensive Best Practice Guides provided by The Deer Initiative and Scotland's deer sector​​.
    • Grant-Related DMPs: Assist in crafting Deer Management Plans required for grant applications, ensuring conformity with the UK Forestry Standard (UKFS) and UK Woodland Assurance Standard (UKWAS) requirements​4​.

    Ethical Stewardship

    • Humane Harvesting: Employ ethical and humane harvesting techniques to maintain healthy deer populations.
    • Sustainability: Champion sustainable practices to foster a long-term balance between deer populations, their habitats, and surrounding communities.

    Collaborative Engagement

    • Stakeholder Consultation: Engage with landowners, conservation bodies, and local communities to align objectives and devise collaborative solutions.
    • Educational Outreach: Conduct educational programs to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of deer ecology and management among the community.

    Adaptive Strategies

    • Monitoring and Evaluation: Establish monitoring programs to assess the effectiveness of management strategies and adapt them based on findings.
    • Continuous Learning: Invest in training and development to stay abreast of evolving methodologies and best practices in deer management.

    Continuous Learning and Professional Development

    • Certified Training Courses: Engage in certified training courses covering a broad spectrum of deer management topics.
    • Collaboration with Industry Leaders: Partner with reputable organisations to deliver top-tier training and education in deer management.
    • Hands-On Field Training: Provide ample opportunities for hands-on field training, allowing participants to apply their knowledge in real-world settings.

    Contact Us

    Our team of experienced professionals is well-versed in delivering proactive, high-quality advice to navigate the intricacies of deer population management. Our service is particularly beneficial in situations where deer populations intersect with land usage, third-party infrastructure projects, or generational land transitions.

    At Wildscape Deer Management, we are focused on providing practical solutions that meet the specific needs of our clients in managing deer populations effectively. Our approach is rooted in a deep understanding of the rural landscape and the unique challenges faced by landowners and rural businesses in the UK.

    Safe And Cost-Effective Deer Management Solutions

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    +44 1903 412444