Useful Contact Details

British Deer Society: Description: The British Deer Society is dedicated to deer welfare and the promotion of their conservation in balance with the environment. They provide education, advice, and training on all deer-related matters, making them a useful resource for estate owners and farmers seeking guidance on deer management.

Deer Initiative: Description: The Deer Initiative is a partnership dedicated to ensuring the delivery of a sustainable, well-managed wild deer population in England and Wales. They offer advice and information to landowners and the public on deer management issues.

Forestry Commission: Description: The Forestry Commission is responsible for protecting, expanding, and promoting the sustainable management of woodlands. They also provide guidelines and assistance on managing deer populations within woodland areas, which can be beneficial for estate owners and farmers.

Natural England: Description: Natural England is a government advisory body that provides practical advice on the natural environment, including wildlife management and habitat restoration. They can provide assistance and guidance on sustainable deer management practices.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA): Description: DEFRA is a ministerial department that oversees environmental protection, food production, and rural affairs in the UK. They provide a range of resources and support services related to wildlife management, including deer, which can be valuable for estate owners and farmers.