Understanding Deer Antler Cycles

Antlers are among the most recognisable characteristics of deer, portraying a blend of beauty, strength, and the essence of wilderness. Deer antlers are unique in their ability to regrow annually, showcasing a magnificent natural cycle that mirrors the changing seasons. Understanding the antler cycle is essential not only for appreciating the marvel of nature but also for effective deer management.

The Phases of Antler Growth:

The antler cycle consists of distinct phases that occur throughout the year.

Growth Phase:

Begins in the spring, usually around March to April. Antlers start to grow from the pedicles, which are bony structures on the deer's skull. The new antlers are covered in a soft skin called "velvet" that supplies blood and nutrients to support the rapid growth. Antler growth is incredibly fast, and some species can grow up to an inch per day under optimal conditions.

Velvet Shedding:

Occurs late summer to early autumn, usually around August to September. The velvet is shed once the antlers have fully grown and the blood supply ceases. Deer will rub their antlers against trees and shrubs to remove the velvet, revealing the hard bone beneath.

Hard Antler Phase:

Lasts through the autumn and early winter. During this phase, the antlers are hard bone and are utilised for social interactions such as fighting for mating rights. The deer rut, or mating season, occurs during this phase.


Occurs in late winter to early spring, usually around January to April. The antlers are shed, and the cycle begins anew with the growth of a new set of antlers.

Factors Influencing Antler Growth:

Various factors influence the growth and size of deer antlers, including:

Age: Older deer typically have larger and more developed antlers. Nutrition: Adequate nutrition, particularly minerals like calcium and phosphorus, is crucial for healthy antler growth. Health: Healthy deer are more likely to grow larger antlers. Genetics: Genetics play a significant role in determining antler size and shape.

Antler Growth and Deer Management:

Understanding the antler cycle is crucial for deer management as it provides insights into the deer's age, health, and population dynamics. It also guides when to schedule certain management activities like population surveys and culls. Furthermore, the antler cycle is closely related to the deer rut, which is a critical time for deer managers to monitor the population's health and behaviour.

Appreciating the Cycle:

The antler cycle is a splendid natural phenomenon that epitomises the ever-evolving dance of nature. By understanding and appreciating this cycle, we can foster a deeper connection with the wildlife that graces our landscapes and ensure their sustainable coexistence within our natural realms.